Untold works to devel­op and ampli­fy the work of writ­ers mar­gin­alised by social, geopo­lit­i­cal or eco­nom­ic iso­la­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly those in areas with recent or ongo­ing con­flict. Its edi­tors and trans­la­tors work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with writ­ers to devel­op their craft, con­nect them to one anoth­er, and share their sto­ries with read­ers worldwide.

The sto­ries in My Pen Is the Wing of a Bird were devel­oped through Untold’s Write Afghanistan project, with Lucy Han­nah, Will For­rester, Zarghu­na Kar­gar, Suni­la Galap­pat­ti, Jacob Ross, Par­wana Fayyaz, Dr. Zubair Popalzai, Shek­i­ba Habib, Mar­go Munro-Kerr, Dr. Negeen Kar­gar and Pash­tana Durrani.