
Sibs is the only UK char­i­ty sup­port­ing broth­ers and sis­ters of dis­abled chil­dren and adults. Sib­lings have a life­long need for infor­ma­tion. In child­hood, sib­lings grow up often receiv­ing less atten­tion, have more wor­ries than their peers and face some chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions in their home lives. As adults, sib­lings rarely receive acknowl­edge­ment of their exper­tise or receive sup­port for their own needs and often have reduced well­be­ing. Sibs pro­vides direct sup­port to chil­dren through our YoungSibs infor­ma­tion hub so that chil­dren can find infor­ma­tion about dis­abil­i­ty and get answers to their ques­tions from Sibs staff. We pro­vide email sup­port for adult sib­lings, have pro­duced a range of guides and run a net­work of adult sib­ling peer sup­port groups. We also run train­ing and work­shops for sib­lings, par­ents and professionals.

I know my sis­ter needs con­stant super­vi­sion: I under­stand her dif­fer­ent needs, and I love her with all my heart, but it can be scary. It can feel like the world is on your shoul­ders. I wor­ry about her future and I feel like I have an extra lay­er of wor­ry.” Rose, aged 13.



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