Inkspot Pub­lish­ing

Our aims

Cathy and Jur­cell set up Inkspot in Feb­ru­ary 2022.
We are only inter­est­ed in great con­tent, and are indif­fer­ent as to who pro­duces it.
If we love your work, we’ll pub­lish it.

I dis­ap­prove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

Voltaire (16941778)

Cather­ine Evans

Cathy was born and brought up in Africa, liv­ing in tiny com­mu­ni­ties in the heart of the African bush. She worked in Dur­ban for two years after leav­ing school, then decamped to the UK and worked in the City for 20 years.

She’s the edi­tor of fic​tion​junkies​.com, a web­site which pub­lish­es short sto­ries of all gen­res by authors around the world. Her first nov­el, The Wrong’un, was pub­lished by Unbound in 2018.

Cathy is a trustee of the Chip­ping Nor­ton Lit­er­ary Fes­ti­val, and organ­is­es the annu­al ChipLit­Fest Short Sto­ry com­pe­ti­tion, which usu­al­ly receives around 300 entries every year. She lives in Oxford­shire with her hus­band and daugh­ter. She also has three grown-up stepdaughters.

She set up Inkspot Pub­lish­ing with Jur­cell Vir­ginia in 2022

Jur­cell Virginia

Jur­cell grew up in Curaçao, and moved to the Nether­lands to study Econo­met­rics at Tilburg Uni­ver­si­ty. He start­ed his career in hedge funds, then moved to pri­vate equity. 

Jur­cell is an author and avid mar­tial arts fanat­ic, and has writ­ten a book with his sen­sei, Hideo Mura­mat­su, The Neglect­ed Samu­rai which will be pub­lished by Inkspot in Jan­u­ary 2023.

He lives in Ams­ter­dam with his wife and two children. 

