Cotswold Car­ri­ers

Cotswold Car­ri­ers is a fam­i­ly run busi­ness, based in Oxford­shire, with over 40 years’ expe­ri­ence in domes­tic and com­mer­cial removals – both in the UK and Europe.

We pride our­selves on our pro­fes­sion­al, warm and friend­ly ser­vice. We know every cus­tomer has unique require­ments, which is why we tai­lor our solu­tions to suit your indi­vid­ual removal needs – no mat­ter how big or small.

You can be assured of the high­est lev­el of qual­i­ty and care – whether you’re mov­ing a sin­gle item local­ly or your entire house or busi­ness over­seas – we take every step pos­si­ble to make it a stress-free expe­ri­ence for you.

Our staff mem­bers are high­ly expe­ri­enced and we have a huge range of vehi­cles to suit every require­ment. We’re also spe­cial­ists in trans­port­ing antiques, fine art and pianos, so with Cotswold Car­ri­ers Removals you can be sure your trea­sured items are in good, safe hands – wher­ev­er their destination.

Cotswold Car­ri­ers Removals Ltd
The Sid­ings,
Sta­tion Road,
Chip­ping Nor­ton

Tel: 01608 730 500
Email: enquiries@​cotswold-​carriers.​co.​uk
W: www​.cotswold​car​ri​ers​.com

We’re sit­u­at­ed on Sta­tion Road on the oth­er side of the road from King­ham Station.